The daily volatility of World financial markets has increased in recent years while profits for small investors have been in a steady decline. This is not by accident but is part of the manipulation by the elite and the powerful. Their super-fast computers and the sophisticated traders have a huge advantage over the average investor. They profit from volatility. depressions, and recessions, and often even cause them deliberately. Yet, they brake no laws in America. This is one reason why the already rich are getting even richer at the cost of everyone else. Furthermore, they go tax-free or taxed at favorable rates.
Our systems are rigged! … They favor the already rich!
Day traders, hedge fund managers, and International money-changers need to be taxed on their profits. A modest tax will dampen down their activity and reduce the unacceptable volatility in the markets. Tax reforms will only happen after Congress is pressured to act. It is the right thing to do. An 80 % voter turnout will be a giant step towards this reform and for others. Congress is sensitive to voter turnout.