How should our educators and teachers prepare K-12 students for the many challenges ahead of them? They need to understand that the digital world is changing the way people work, live, and raise families. These changes will continue to accelerate and require strong and intelligent management. Students today need a totally new kind of education to thrive in this new world.
Machines, robotics, and artificial intelligence will replace people in nearly all industries. Only a small number of people with special skills will be employed in these jobs. A shorter work week will equate to full employment, and the service, entertainment, and recreation/leisure time industries can also create many more jobs. The challenge is how to create meaningful lives and activities for all. We need a new kind of education system.
Stop the system of educating only the elite for their PhD’s and leadership roles. Start to educate the masses for the skills and values needed for successful and healthy lives. Move us away from our present conflict driven “us against them” divides. America will become stronger than ever only when all of us are healthy participants with a strong thread of unity held in common.
Students in this new digital world have special needs that are crowded out by academic subject requirements, especially specialized math such as algebra. trigonometry, and calculus, mainly practiced by only a handful of graduates. That means that 99% may be cheated out of a useful education in arts, science, humanities, and communication skills, the skills that bring real meaning to their lives. Worse yet, our Universities will not admit students without these outdated prerequisites. This system disqualifies many talented students from getting a useful education. It is extremely harmful discrimination, favoring a certain class.
Communication skills and value for others should be the first goal of education if our democracy is to thrive and survive. Presently, we are far from achieving our full potential as humans. Mature adults are all capable of learning the skills needed to exchange thoughts and ideas in a civil manner to separate facts from fiction. But, these skills must be taught. Youngsters can learn how to discuss any subject in a respectful manner without insults and name calling. Those ways of the past need to go. Respect and empathy for the other can and should be taught at an early age. Tribal animosities can no longer be the norm taught and reinforced in our educational system. We must set our sights higher for this century.
Today, in 2019, too many Americans feel hopeless, angry, and insecure about their future.
Let us strive to create a more perfect society where character reigns supreme, and truth, honesty, and moral integrity are expected and demanded. An early education is critical.
Clearly, our present course will lead to decline and destruction for the vast majority.
Just think how all this hopefulness can disappear with better school subject matter, where students love to go to school and learn interesting things that have a direct impact upon their lives.
Let us resolve “TO CHANGE COURSE”
Let us value each child and student. Let us stop discarding the vast majority of our youngsters, by our outdated education systems.