Words are only one way in which modern humans communicate. But, interpretation is a huge problem which many of our most highly educated leaders seem to ignore. That is that Words require deciphering. Our Ivy-League graduates use words that many do not understand, or worse yet, the words are misunderstood. In the distant past, humans may not have suffered from this problem.
The problem started when the masses were able to go to school and learn how to read. Learning the three R’s is a great advance, but it is not without some consequences. It was even predicted by the ancients that “Printing would give people the illusion of knowledge, and forever become a burden for humanity.”
Studies show that our memories may interpret words by differing systems and orders. Some of these are listed below:
Numerical Alphabetical Experiential Images
Emotional floral and Color Aroma and Smell
Married couples have been known to need experienced counselors to translate what one partner is saying to the other.
Today our scientists and technically oriented people too often think that words are the only form of human communication. They live in the World of words and things. Typically, they are the ones who do not enjoy poetry. Poetry does not move them in the slightest. Like Music and Works of Art, Poetry is processed differently by the brain where feelings, images, and concepts are involved. Here, the words paint patterns and pictures as they are processed in the mind by those who enjoy poetry.
Outside of the technical world, what do words actually do? Think of words as Keys. These Keys open doors into the mind which may be experienced as thoughts, feelings, or images.
By eye contact Smiles Handshakes Facial Expressions
Grunts and Nods Tears & Hugs Poetry Paintings Photos
Music & Sounds Story Telling Movies Books Words
Look into the Mirror. … What do you see? … Do you see a Saint or a Sinner? … Do you see a noble person or a struggling nobody? … Does a Label describe what you see? … No! … Words by themselves cannot describe that reflection in the mirror.
To Whom are you Speaking ?We use different words, tones, and expressions when talking to individuals compared to giving a lecture. We say things differently to those whom we are close and to whom we know best.
Human Sexuality is in a separate class of complex communications. Sex can be about Love, Bonding, Control, or an array of other things. It may be one of the most powerful of human characteristics.
1. Political rhetoric: …Self explanatory gobbledygook. During political campaigns, politicians like to use “Fighting Words” and words that arouse feelings of fear and hate and distrust. Heightened emotions always drown out logic and reason.
2. Social politeness: … A woman asks a friend “How do you like my new hat?” … Ans. … “If that’s the look you wanted, you got a good one.”
3. Misconstrued intentions. … An insensitive remark caused a prolonged family feud when a family member innocently said ” My Doctor says that the cucumber in this salad has no nutritional value.” … This very tiny exaggeration resulted in a serious insult to the proud hostess.
4. People have various sensitivities to certain words or comments. These are not always predictable. … The reading of faces and eyes may be more accurate.
5. Wine Descriptions: … Fancy words to elicit false feelings about an ordinary product. Blind taste tests reveal the facts.
6. “Citizens United”: … These words are deceptive. This Supreme Court decision stating that money is equivalent to speech attempts to use a misleading title to confuse the public.
Our World today borders on turmoil. We are attempting to provide a good education to all our children, but the question must be asked, “What is a good education?”What we teach in modern schools is quite unnatural and not ideal in several respects. It may be too academic at the cost of social skills. It seldom provides children with the social skills they need as adults. It essentially favors the elite and gifted who go on to advanced degrees in our Ivy League Universities. These graduates become our future leaders who become separated from the masses of ordinary people. The two groups now speak a different language which results in distrust, dysfunction, violence, and confusion. In reality, the country is divided among dozens of groups who no longer understand the other. [Is this by design to favor the Elite?]We need schools that know how to teach brotherhood and understanding and how to clarify the language of words.
Words and experience go together. Someday maybe our educators will find a way to teach our children how to gain experience faster.
… Experience leads to Wisdom. …
… Let us all strive harder. …
… Our Self-Improvement…
Let us not call names and paste labels on each other. Let us learn the language of “inclusion”. We all can learn that “The other is really us”. … We are all part of the one great human family.