Everything that we hold dearly can be lost if we do not vote. That is the only thing that holds the politicians in check. Otherwise, their greed and lust for power have no limits. They will always want more (by taking from us). An 80% voter turnout will stop them (25% to 55% is a failure). They do respect the power of the voters and they will start to listen. Besides, a better class of candidate will emerge and thus begins the process of change and improvements throughout the land.
In Australia, voting is required by law! It is that important and we may someday have a similar law. Our dysfunctional Congress today is directly due to the low voter turnout in the mid-term elections. We get mostly the extremists elected who are unable to compromise in order to move the nation forward. This can and must be fixed. A larger voter participation will help! The elitist powers use all their dirty tricks to keep the little people from voting. That has become a huge problem so do not let that continue.
Every two years we vote in new Congressional Representatives. This election holds the real power of the American people, but it is essential for everyone to vote. What happens when we do not vote? We get a dysfunctional Government!
Please do not be overly concerned about who or what to vote for. Your power is in merely “Showing Up”. A strong ballot turnout will work its own magic over time. We must get to an 80% voter turnout.
Here again we must count upon our children to save us. Adults with established poor and irregular voting habits are not likely to change. The answer is to get the children started out early with a sense of duty and patriotism. By their 18th birthday they will be eager to cast their ballots as young adults. In their new culture, it will be the new normal to vote and to become responsible citizens.
We have drifted a long way from the idealistic words of Benjamin Franklin “In free government the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.”
… What can be of greater importance? …